Hazlemere Commercial’s Policies
In order for our company to maintain its current market position and build upon the strong foundations already laid, we shall:
- accurately assess the requirements via customer feedback regarding our provision of products and services, and always provide excellent levels of customer service
- use our systems and procedures as a team, in order to always provide quality products that are delivered on time and to the complete satisfaction of our customers, and in strict accordance with all statutory and legislative requirements
- recognise that the company is a single entity, with no single person or department having greater importance than any other person or department; and that everyone contributing to the company’s success, at whatever position they hold, is a valued asset, through investment in people with rewards and development
- maintain sufficient levels of profitability and increase net profit to 10% of turnover, to secure our future stability, thereby providing long-term job security for everyone associated with the company
- increase our efficiency
- Invest in people to provide a harmonious balance between work and home life for everyone contributing to the company’s success
The above will form the framework for setting and reviewing our quality objectives.
In order to achieve these objectives, our Quality Policy and all supporting procedures, systems and resources, as enshrined in our Quality Manual, are regularly reviewed at top management level as part of our commitment to continual improvement.
Hazlemere Window Company Limited intends to maintain its position as a Leader in the provision and installation of energy efficient doors and windows, etc. by striving to continue to improve the Company reputation and reduce non-compliances, by continually reviewing and improving its procedures using the tools of its Integrated Management System, while ensuring that all staff perform their duties efficiently and effectively to the mutual benefit of the Company and its Customers.
It is the intention of the Company to ensure that during its activities its environmental aim is to protect the environment by the prevention of pollution to land, air, and water, to maintaining growth without increasing our energy output. To minimise the amount of waste produced and ensure that as much as possible is recycled.
We strive to offer our customers the most energy efficient products available in the current marketplace. This is one opportunity our Company has to have a positive impact on the environment.
To set out environmental targets and objectives that are strategic, measurable, achievable, realistic, and targeted to benefit ourselves, our trading partners, and the environment as a whole. One of the Company’s key objectives is to increase our efficiency.
The Management shall maintain its awareness of statutory and regulatory requirements, codes of practice, and regulations to ensure that the Company continues to meet its obligations.
We aim to grow and improve our business whilst ensuring the fleet does not increase in CO2 emissions and ensure wherever possible works are scheduled geographically to minimise impact on the environment.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental system to enhance our environmental performance.
The aims of this policy are to ensure that:
No-one receives less favourable treatment, on grounds of any protected characteristic (including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion/belief, sex and sexual orientation); or is disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions, criteria, procedures or practices that cannot be justified on any other grounds.
No-one is victimised for taking action against any form of discrimination or harassment, or instructed or put under pressure to discriminate against, or harass, someone on the above grounds.
The organisation is free of unwanted conduct that violates the dignity of workers or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, offensive, or humiliating environment.
Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are equally open to male and female candidates, candidates from all racial groups, candidates with or without disabilities, and candidates of any age, and of any sexual orientation, religion or belief.
Selection for employment, promotion, transfer, training, and access to benefits, facilities and services, will be fair and equitable, and based solely on merit.
This policy applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment to dismissal and former workers’ rights.
We will take the following steps to ensure that the policy is achieving its aims:
- The policy will be a priority for the organisation.
- Rachel Braham-Hill, Managing Director, will be responsible for the day to day operation of the policy.
- The policy will be communicated to all workers and job applicants, and will be placed on the company’s intranet and website.
- Workers and their representatives and trade unions will be consulted regularly about the policy, and about related action plans and strategies.
- All workers will be informed of the policy, their rights and responsibilities under the policy, and on how the policy will affect the way they carry out their duties. No-one will be in any doubt about what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the organisation. Unacceptable conduct includes discrimination and harassment at work-related social functions.
- Managers and workers in key decision-making areas will be trained on the discriminatory effects that provisions, practices, requirements, conditions, and criteria can have on some groups, and the importance of being able to justify decisions to apply them.
- Complaints about discrimination or harassment in the course of employment will be regarded seriously, and may result in disciplinary sanctions, and even dismissal. The grievance procedure will be published in a form that is easily accessible.
- Opportunities for employment, promotion, transfer and training will be advertised widely, internally and externally, and all applicants will be welcomed, irrespective of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief.
- All workers will be encouraged to develop their skills and qualifications, and to take advantage of promotion and development opportunities in the organisation. All employees carrying out work of ‘equal value’ will receive equal pay, regardless of their sex, race or any other protected characteristic, and equal pay audits will be carried out as necessary.
- Selection criteria will be entirely related to the job or training opportunity.
- We will make reasonable changes to overcome physical and non-physical barriers that make it difficult for disabled employees to carry out their work, and for disabled customers to access our services.
- We will take a flexible approach to working arrangements. We will consider requests for changes carefully and objectively, and will accommodate them unless it would cause significant difficulties to the business or employees.
- Information on the ethnic and racial background, gender, disability, and age of each worker and applicant for employment will be collected and analysed, to monitor each stage of the recruitment process. The information will be held in strictest confidence and will only be used to promote equality of opportunity. Information about the religion/belief and sexual orientation of employees may also be monitored. Monitoring may include promotion and training if necessary.
- If the data shows that people from particular groups are under-represented in particular areas of work, lawful positive action training and encouragement will be considered for workers and others from that group, to improve their chances of applying successfully for vacancies in these areas.
- Grievances, disciplinary action, performance assessment, and terminations of employment, for whatever reason, may also be monitored by gender, racial group, age, disability, religion/belief and sexual orientation if necessary.
- The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored regularly to include requirements, conditions, provisions, criteria, and practices. We will also regularly review advertising, recruitment and application materials and processes, and this policy.
- Customers and clients will be made aware of the policy, and of their right to fair and equal treatment, irrespective of race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, gender, religion/belief, disability or age, via our website.
- Fair and equal treatment will be given to customers and members of the public by all staff. The business will investigate any complaints from staff that they are being harassed by a customer for reasons linked to protected characteristics, and take suitable action to prevent further incidents.
- The business will take all necessary steps to ensure that employees are legally entitled to work in the UK, making sure that employees from outside the EU have permission to work here by checking the validity of documents and keeping copies of them for two years after the employment has come to an end.
This policy has been endorsed by Rachel Braham and has the full support of the management / board.
Rachel Braham
Managing Director
The Directors of Hazlemere Window Company Ltd. recognise and acknowledge the company’s obligations under the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and its associated legislation and regulations.
HWC will take all reasonable measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees in fulfilment of its moral and legal responsibilities. These measures will be extended to afford the same protection to other persons affected by the company’s undertakings.
To ensure compliance with the Act of Parliament HWC will provide employees with relevant training, equipment and safe working practices. The Company will also ensure that all employees understand their legal duty to work in a safe manner and to co-operate with others to create safe working conditions.
HWC will ensure that:
The safety of employees is maintained by providing a safe working environment, safe and well-maintained plant and equipment and safe systems of work, including the safe handling and use of articles and substances.
Adequate instruction, information, training and supervision is provided.
Hazards are identified and that reasonably practicable control measures are implemented, by carrying out and documenting risk assessments for the company activities.
Every reasonably practicable effort is made to reduce hazards and risks by giving the same emphasis to safety as to other management functions.
Safety takes precedence over convenience and profitability.
All safety rules and regulations, whether internal, clients, or regulatory, shall be adhered to in detail.
The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements, which HWC will make, to implement the policy, are set out in the policy and procedures manual.
The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy and the way it has operated will be reviewed at least on an annual basis.
On behalf of Hazlemere Window Company Ltd.
Signed: Rachel Braham-Hill, Managing Director

Equal Opportunities Statement
Hazlemere Window Company Limited is committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and different cultural perspectives available in a multi-ethnic and diverse society, and where people feel they are respected and valued, and can achieve their potential regardless of race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, gender, disability or age.
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